Monday, December 30, 2019

Beck s Thesis On Risk Society - 974 Words

Beck’s thesis on risk society, and the issues regarding deterritorialization, was not new information for the world. After the second world war the United Nations was founded, to help prevent the actions that happened during the war to occur again. As a leading, international organisation, it did not take long before the UN had many UN nations. The United Nations founded in 1972 the United Nations Environmental Programme after a meeting dealing with the Human Environment. UNEP is a good example of a smaller unit that helps several organisations and businesses to create a healthier world (Bookmiller, 2008). On the United Nations Environmental Program website (2015) it is possible to read about their success stories. Over the years UNEP have†¦show more content†¦The Kyoto protocol gave varying results. The EU reduced the amount of greenhouse gasses by 7.3% in 2004 compared to the levels shown in 1990. Three years later the release was reduced to 4.3 %. Because of this t he EU did not meet the aim for the Kyoto protocol. In 2007 the EU announced a new strategy for cutting down the gasses, named the 20-20-20 strategy. Their goal was to produce 20% energy from renewable sources before 2020. Their announcement was highly criticised because of the lack of leadership appearance in the climate change convention in Copenhagen 2009. In 2010 the release of gasses went down 15% compared to the 1990 levels, but the contrast was broad between the EU states (McCormick, 2014). Mythen wrote in 2005 a book called ‘A Critical Introduction to the Risk Society’ where he discusses Beck’s risk society thesis. Mythen states that Beck is too focused on the negative aspects of risk and does not explain the positive sides with it. For example how it has made human beings more confident to create positive lifestyle changes. It can be a socially progressive process where the society develops. This can be seen in the technological, medical and economic advancements. Mythen argues about the impression the reader is left with after reading the thesis, an impression he say is of a society that wants to remove all sort of danger to develop. He states that the thesis can not be compared with the westernShow MoreRelatedThe Culture of Narcissism.Critical Book Review Essay2284 Words   |  10 PagesCritical book review: Christopher Lasch (1991) The Culture of Narcissism: American Life in an Age of Expectations The culture of narcissism was widely recognised as a socio-cultural critique of American society when published in 1979. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Exploring the Positive Punishment Effect Among...

In a quantitative analysis of the effectiveness of incarceration of individuals in preventing crime and especially preventing those particular individuals from repeating crime, Peter Wood concluded that several different mechanisms may in fact contribute to recidivism. Wood acknowledges the work of others in the field that have noted that statistically the experience of being incarcerated increased the likelihood that an individual will commit future criminal behavior. He continues to note the hypotheses of other researchers that such counter-intuitive statistics could be explained by a theory of defiance whereby after an individual receives punishment that they feel is unjust or unfair they begin to develop a sense of defiance against†¦show more content†¦The data showed that past punishment experiences had significant positive relationships with the perceived likelihood of re-offending whereas the two measures of current punishment had significant negative relationships wi th the perceived likelihood of re-offending. Wood hypothesized that the immediacy of being punished in the present may reduce the respondents self-stated likelihood to commit additional crimes but that when the punishment has been served they return to increased recidivism. He also noted that understanding the level of the individuals exposure to agencies of control throughout their life was essential to understanding the presumed positive effect and conversely and presumed deterrent effect. Others have noted that something of the experience of delinquent activity itself is rewarding in a non-economical manner thus the activities themselves are not economic in nature. Wood added to this noting that subsequently this seems very consistent with the social learning theory since something within the act itself is the motivating factor for the individual who will then go on to continue their involvement in similar future acts. This nonsocial reinforcement, Wood adds, could be for someSho w MoreRelatedThe Center For Children of Incarcerated Parents Essay2452 Words   |  10 PagesThe social welfare program identified for the purpose of this paper is the Center for Children of Incarcerated parents. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Al Capone Revision Free Essays

Al Capone: Revision 0730 HIST 2020-010 4-23-07 Many gangsters have made it in the history books the past 100 years: Billy the Kid, and John Gotti just to name a few. But none matched the notoriety that Al Capone had. Al Capone, short for Alphonsus Capone his birth name, was born on January 17, 1899 in Brooklyn, New York. We will write a custom essay sample on Al Capone Revision or any similar topic only for you Order Now # Capone grew up with a troubled childhood. After dropping at of school in the sixth grade, Capone got in several gangs of ruffians around town, but nothing too serious. Capone got sick of it and then became a member of the Five Points gang, led by Frankie Yale. After his stint with Yale’s gang, he was sent to Johnny Torrio‘s gang, called the James Street Gang. From 1925 to 1931, Capone and his gangs ruled the streets of Chicago with their vicious gangster ways. # Growing up in the early 1900‘s, you could say Capone had a rough time with it. Torrio soon noticed the talent this young ruffian had and convinced him to with to Chicago to work with his uncle who was one of the cities main concerns with his prostitutes and gambling rings. Al Capone was soon to be Chicago’s, better yet America’s, most notorious gangster and greatest symbol of illegal activities which prevented the city’s growth because it was known as the lawless city. Capone’s soon to be mega-network came through Torrio’s business. They were the pioneers in the selling of illegal alcohol. Capone had power and wealth because he sold illegal alcohol, moonshine, throughout Chicago. After Torrio was shot and badly wounded by a rival gang, this left the rising star, Capone, to take over the thriving business that they had started. Now, Capone was on top the of world at the tender age of only 26. Although vicious, Capone did have somewhat of a good heart when he helped homeless people in Chicago with the first soup kitchen in 1929 after the stock market crash. # Although Capone did help starving people in Chicago, he was a nuisance that needed to be stopped. This, to an extent, as was why the FBI and many other law enforcement agencies were formed. Several law enforcement agencies were built around the area because of crime, and we benefit from it today because if it weren’t for a big time mobster like Capone, we might not have had the law enforcement agencies that we have today. Capone‘s image was seen not only through the eyes of Americans but through the eyes of the world and. People all over the globe thought he was just another thug gangster involved in organized crime. Capone had never done any major time for the crimes he did. Capone walked on water in Chicago, he was so powerful. That’s probably why he decided to open the soup kitchens to get people to like him more. Although this was a good act of respect from Capone, the respect sure enough came tumbling down after his St. Valentines Day Massacre. On Feb. 14, 1929, the St. Valentines Day Massacre made a major impact on the U. S. because it was the most vicious violence they had ever witnessed. # Capone had an alibi for the murder, which he always did. The St. Valentines Day Massacre started when Capon’s gang tricked the Moran gang into thinking it was a police raid when really it was Capone’s gang dressed like police. # As the men were staring at the wall scared of being arrested, the gang broke out with a lead shower of bullets into the backs of the seven members. Obviously, Capone had set this up to take down the rival gangs to strengthen his regime. Although Capone took out an essential part of the gang, Bugs, the leader escaped after seeing the police uniforms, thinking he was getting busted. After the Massacre, Capone and his wife Mary and their children moved to Florida because of the endangerment that Capone had put on them for not killing Bugs. After the Massacre, Capone soon came known as the gangster of the 20’s. After the events of the St. Valentines Day massacre, Capone’s gang received more publicity than any other gang had received before this time. After getting out publicly in Chicago, it was soon on a national spotlight. Capone was now a target of writers all across America. In 1929 While Capone was called before a grand jury in Chicago, little did he know about the powerful people that were teaming up to try to take down this criminal. Capone thought that is was about all of the murders he had committed and so forth. Capone left a mark from this massacre that will be remembered by the United States forever and will sketch his name in as one the most ruthless gangster’s of all time. Capone’s impact of the nation at this time was monumental and glamorized by certain people in his society. Capone’s actions and organizations were getting out of control and soon had to be reckoned with. His way affected people in the Chicago area because of his bad gangster activity as well with his soup kitchens which was one of the slim positive influences he had. In 1930, Capone’s empire slowly but surely flourished after many people working long and hard found a flaw with him, tax evasion. Al Capone was tried on October 17, 1931, when he was finally imprisoned for five of 22 counts of tax evasion from 1925-1929. # Everyone thought that you didn’t pay taxes if you earned the money illegally until Capone made an example for everybody. In May, 1932, Capone was sent to Atlanta to serve his 11-year sentence. As well as those charges, he also didn’t file tax returns for 1928 and 1929. Capone had to pay $50,000 in fines for the counts of tax evasion, a misdemeanor for not filing tax returns, as well as violating prohibition laws. He also had $7,692 in court cost. # Capone had no other choice but to throw in the flag. His life as a gangster was over. In May 1932, Capone started his 11-year sentence in Atlanta which was one of the roughest prisons in America at the time. While in prison, Capone managed to smuggle in a couple thousand dollars and paid the guards off while furnishing his cell with a mirrors, typewriter, rugs, and a set of the Encyclopedia Britannica. # Capone was still in control because of the street credit that he obviously still had. Capone was soon taken to Alcatraz where he would be monitored frequently. Alcatraz wasn’t any walk in the park. It was highly monitored where Capone was nothing else but another inmate. Capone was helpless now. Although helpless, Capone did cash in on good behavior and was granted some time off his sentence for good behavior. Capone, again, gave up on the rebellious life and started acting the way the he was meant to from the start. Capone got along so well with everyone that he actually had time cut off for bad behavior. Although Capone was calm himself, he did get into several fights with other inmates but none proved to be instigated by him. While working down in the prison basement, Capone got stabbed by another inmate while standing in line to get a haircut. He was sent to the penitentiary hospital were he stayed for several days soon to be released with a minor wound. Capone was finally released from Alcatraz on January 6, 1939. He then headed to the Federal Correctional Institution at Terminal Island in California where he stayed until November 16 of that year to serve his one-year misdemeanor charge. # Capone returned to his mansion in Palm Island, Florida, after his release. The big, bad mobster from the 20’s and 30’s was slowly deteriorating. His overall body strength, weight, and mindset were all dropping at a rapid pace. Capone had gotten syphilis when he was younger and never did anything about it which led to dementia. On January 21, 1947, Capone had a apoplectic stroke and was out for several days. Finally regaining consciousness, Capone the suffered from pneumonia three days later and went into a cardiac arrest which was probably all linked to his syphilis. Capone was buried in Mount Olivet Cemetery in Chicago between his parents but then was moved to Mount Carmel Cemetery in Hillside, Illinois. # Capone was the pioneer of crime in America. We have our Jesse James and such but this wa s a different criminal. He was smart. Smart enough to get away from murder trials but unlucky enough and rich enough to become a victim of his own success. â€Å"Scarface† will always be remembered as the greatest mobster in the history of America. Bibliography â€Å"Al Capone. † Chicago Historical Society. http://www. chicagohs. org/history/capone. html [assessed April 14, 2007]. â€Å"Al â€Å"Scarface† Capone. † Alcatraz History. http://www. alcatrazhistory. com/cap1. htm [assessed April 14, 2007]. â€Å"Al Capone. † Wikipedia. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Al_Capone [assessed April 14, 2007]. â€Å"Al Capone. Made in America. † Crime Library. http://www. crimelibrary. com/gangsters_outlaws/mob_bosses/capone/index_1. htm [assessed April 14, 2007]. â€Å"Famous Cases. † FBI History. http://www. fbi. gov/libref/historic/famcases/capone/capone. htm [assessed April 14, 2007]. How to cite Al Capone Revision, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Costco Case Analysis On Leadership

Question: Discuss about theLeadership in Businessfor Costco Case Analysis on Leadership. Answer: The SuccessofCostcoin Termsofthe Followingthree Determinants Employee Commitment Costco is an organization that has the most motivated employees working with them. The commitment of the employees can take different types of forms. These forms are either related to the HR of the company or the employees. Costco believes that the investment done in the employees play a vital role in every organization. The employment policies of Costco are very effective and good for the employees. They believe that if the employees and workers get good wages, salary, benefits, etc. then they work with full capability. The main motive of Costco is to connect the employees with the goals and objectives of the organization. It is observed that if the employees remain in touch with the objectives then they work hard to achieve them. It also reflects the commitment of the employees towards the organization as they are motivated to work more and achieve more. In return, Costco, provide them extra benefits, rewards, incentives that keep the morale of the employees on the top (Avolio, Ya mmarino, 2013). The employees and worker of the Costco are very much connected to the store. They work in Costco as their own organization. It is a type of psychological connection that bounds the employees to work with the organization. This result in trust and loyalty for the organization and the rate of retention remain very less If an employee is emotionally connected to his or her job then they do not feel neglected and unsatisfied. The chance of turnover decreases if the employees are personally attached to their job. Costco always try to make their employees and worker comfortable in the organization. To achieve this objective, they conduct certain activities in their organization so that the employees feel the same. In this way, the effective policies of employment, results in the success of Costco. The behavior of Costco employees is very stable and committed to the work. The performance of the employees is also effective. Costco uses the commitment of the employees towards the goals and objectives of Costco. Therefore, they work for their own as well as for the sake of the organizations. There are many types of commitment takes place in Costco like normative, affective, continuance, etc. such commitments depend on the nature and behavior of the employees and their commitment towards their work. Decision Making The decision making at Costco is takes place by using different types of model depending upon the situation. They use rational models, increment list model, Carnegie model, and garbage model, structured and unstructured models. Depending upon the needs, situations and issues, the decision making process takes place in Costco. It is noticed that Costco do not pay much attention to the stores and the regions. Hence the process of decision making is also done by the employers over there. The top management makes only the meticulous decisions that affect the market share of the company and the market conditions of the same. In order to deduct the risk of any harm on the business in the long term, there is a requirement of long term decision making (Dent, Higgins, Wharff, 2005). In order to achieve an effective planning and decision making in the organization, they have planned to make quick and meticulous decisions so that the management style and practices can be changed as per the requirement in the company. In this way, Costco manage the employees and workers of their organization. Costco also believe that the probability of employee commitment also relates to the connection of an employee towards his or her job. Such types of decisions require more time and attention of the top level of management (Gardner, (2011). The top level of authority is responsible to structure the company and its core values in an effective manner. The company believes that the process of decision making should be very prominent that it would not harm the future of the company. The decision must be made in an appropriate time and strategic frame so that the risk can be covered and the company can enjoy the competitive advantage from the competitors. The aim of the company is to focus the need and wants of the customers. In order to achieve this goal, the decisions of the company are takes place in accordance of the same. Strategic Management Costco is the second largest retailer of the world due to its strategic management. Here we discuss the major strategic decision taken by the company. It has many types of team like operation steams, critical team, Hr team, etc. they have developed certain standards according to which the management takes place (Hitzhesen, 2016). The Costco operation successfully applied ten types of strategic decisions that are- The design of goods and services of Costco is very unique. Though, they have different segments of their store but they manage all the work though effective management. They try to lower the cost and increase the quality. The management of the quality of goods and services provided by the Costco is also very relevant. The aim of this company is to provide the best quality for their customers. This can be achieved through strategic planning of all the decisions in an organization. The management can takes place through the policies made by the Hr and the operation team of the Costco (Neustadt, 1980). To maximize the capacity of employees, Costco emphasizes of the speed and efficiency of the labor and workers. The main objective is to optimize the effectiveness of cost and the quality of products. The nest major management is of location. Costco tries to cover all the segment of the markets by providing all types of products irrespective of age, caste, etc. it can be achieved through effective decision making for the storage and warehouse of the company (Van, 2010). The management of the employees in Costco is also very strong as the main motive of this company is to make the employees committed to the work not engaged in the work. The major difference is that the engaged employees only work for their own sake but the committed employees turns the work of the organization in their own wok (Geier, 2013). The other decisions related to the strategic management are related to the design of layout and strategies in the organization. They have a well-tested job designs and structure so that no chaos can be created in the employee management. The HR teams are very effective and efficient in terms of employees management. The supply chain management and inventory management of this company is the most effective in nature (Vitez, 2016). Costco Can Provide Higher Compensationand Benefitstoits Employeesand Stillbe Competitive with the Competitors. It has been assumed that now days the trend to increase the profits by cutting the salary and wages of the employees. Despite of this, companies are paying high wages and incentive to the employees and workers of their company so that the performance of them can be increased. It also provides other benefits to not only the company but also the workers working with them. it results in high motivation, increase in the capacity, high level of performance, retention, high skilled labor , etc. this strategy impact the working of the employees on a large extent. According to the Costco new strategies and employment policies, the employees must be offered better than an average wages. It will help to retain the employees by giving them chance of growth and career opportunities in the organization (Stippler, 2011). The business model of Costco is one of the best-cost effective. The approaches used by Costco are low priced supplier approach and the mix that approach so that revenue can be created. They provide wonderful client services, core of conduct, values, treat the staff like the family, concern about the suppliers, satisfy the stakeholders and shareholders, robust the intelligence, etc. they enforce the time and cost saving methods in the operation, production and selling so that they can give discounts to the customers. The main focus of Costco is to increase the sales volume and turnover of the inventory by providing high salary to the employees (Van, Hogg, 2004). There is few strategy of Costco that helps it in effective management- The ultra low cost strategies and policies Effective and efficient employment policies Revenue Generation Programs Costco employment policies depicts that it provides more than average salary and wages to its employees to retain them in the organization. They also provide many types of incentives, benefits, opportunities to grow and development within an organization so that the rate of turnover can be deduct. It helps to maintain good relations with the employees and keep them loyal for the company. It was observed by the researchers that Costco does not send a singe penny in the process of recruitment and selection as they get employees without conducting any drive in their organization. It is one of the employers by choice. The process of theft and misbehave in Costco is also very low that is 0.02%. The managers of Costco believe that this is due to the good wages and incentives policies provided by the Costco to their employees (Cascio, 2006). Costco find that the turnover in the organization is termed as an expensive waste as the company invests a huge amount in the training of new employees and teaching them in the first month of their jobs. The employees can be retented in the organization by merging the warehouse policies to the strong salary progressions for the workforce. Hey provide advancement opportunities to the employees that retented them in the organization for a longer period of time. The salary of a cashier is Costco is $43000 that is more than a twice than the salary of a store cashier. In this way, by providing good salary to the employees, they are enjoying the comparative advantage (Ross, 2016). The leaders of the Costco believe that advancement opportunities for the entry level workers so the success of the company can be accelerated. The growth and development of the company is related to the employment policies in Costco so the senior manager stated that workers must be prepared for the positions of the managers and management positions so that the success can be guaranteed. They have better understanding for the business. The managers have made policies related to the warehouse, functions of store, improvement in the operations, and to provide best support to the staff of the company. The policy of Costco for the recruitment of new employees is very different. They believe that the existing employees have the caliber to be posted within the organization as they are aware about the working of the organization (Lutz, (2014). The workers of the Costco receive a good salary and benefits as compared to the competitors like Wal-Mart. The employees of Costco earned $20.89 per hour that is double the $11.83 for an employee of Wal-Mart. The sales figure of the company is also double as comparison with the competitors. It provides Costco an advantage from the competitors. They do believe that workers must be well paid because of the fact that they have only expertise and skilled labor in their organization. They also want lower in the turnovers and better employees in their organization. They try to keep the satisfaction of the employees on the top by providing them higher wager as compared to the market wages. An economic decisions can be managed though such policies (Hoek, 2013). A Leadership Theoryto Analyzethe BehavioroftheCEO Leadership plays an important role in the organizations whether they are small or big in nature. There are basically two concepts of business that are one is management and the other one is leadership. Leadership is something that helps the organizations to establish a clear vision, establish good relations, accomplishment of goals, resolution of conflicts, and much more (Heymann, Barrera, 2016). Jim Sinegal was an effective chief officer and leader of Costco Wholesale Corporation. He learned many thing from SOL that he applied in the organization like the membership warehouse thought. In the year 1983, he developed one o a strategic mission and believes that is too frequently offer our members with the quality products and service at rock bottom costs possible. He had an awesome talent to manage the structure of the organization at the highest level through his contingency theory of leadership. He was able to manage the worst stations in the healthiest way. The type of leadership adopted by Jim Sinegal was customer focused leadership. His InfluenceontheCompany Jim Sinegal had a great and significant influence on Costcos. He had created a culture in which there is no division between the staff and the leaders of the company. Jim Sinegal was an effective chief officer and leader of Costco Wholesale Corporation. Every member of an organization is on the same page when it related to the Costcos customers and their satisfaction. Each and every employee knows that the major role of them is to create the right environment for the employees and employers. They pay fair and right wages to their employees that reflect that Costco knows the importance and value of their employees. Jim Sinegal was an authentic leader who always supports authenticity in the organizations. Authentic leaders are the leaders who are real and focus on the authenticity in the leadership. It had created a huge impact on the Costcos image in the market. They provide wonderful client services, core of conduct, values, treat the staff like the family, concern about the suppliers, satisfy the stakeholders and shareholders, robust the intelligence, etc. they enforce the time and cost saving methods in the operation, production and selling so that they can give discounts to the customers. The customers and other stake holders were very impressed and attracted towards the authenticity of the store. The goods and products that were available are good in quality, quantity and variety. In this way, Costco were become one of the famous warehouse and store of the world (Pallarito, 2012). Mr. Sinegal was an authentic leader as he understood his role in the Costco is as similar as the other employees in the organization. He never put any employee below him. In his views each member of the company has an equal and relevant value in the organization. In this way, the employees of the Costco remained motivated and satisfied with the leadership style followed by him. He tried to maintain good relations with the employees by helping, guiding, teaching, coaching, and motivating them up to a great extent. He understood the need s and wants of customers and guides the entire employees to work according to the customers need. He established strong and honest relationship in the organization that will last forever (Courtemanche Carden, 2011). In his views, if the leader is able to create loyal workforce then it would be the best thing for each and every organization. He knows that his organization is paying more wages and salary to their employees but he was not at all upset by this point. They pay fair and right wages to their employees that reflect that Costco knows the importance and value of their employees. Jim Sinegal was an authentic leader who always supports authenticity in the organizations. As he knows that the employees deserved to be paid more than other organizations. He also knows that loyalty always paid off. He noticed that the turnover of the organization was very less, the satisfaction level of the employees was very high and the customers were also happy with the management of Costco (Cascio, 2006). It was believed by Jim Sinegal that the companys name was called by on a first-name basis with everyone. Evident related to the above statement are- They adapt the law, rules and regulations so that the work can be done within a legal framework. He members of the company have a trust that can be reflected by the performance done by them. For the growth and development of the staff, it is relevant to give challenges and opportunities in which they analyze the type of caliber ad potential in them. Challenges also help in the growth of the organization. The leadership style of Jim Sinegal was not only effective for the internal organization but also for the eternal members linked to it. like the business partners, stakeholders, suppliers, customers, etc. He believed in win-win situations. They reward the shareholders and distribute the dividends on time. According to him, if a company wants to achieve competitive advantage then the first requirement is to make the internal management happy. The internal management of the company reflects the employees and employers of the company. To make them happy, Costco and Jim Sinegal made a strategy related to the higher (Townsend, 2011). References Avolio, B. J., Yammarino, F. J. (2013). Transformational and charismatic leadership: The road ahead. Emerald Group Publishing. Cascio, W. F. (2006). Decency means more than always low prices: A comparison of Costco to Wal-Mart's Sam's club. The Academy of Management Perspectives, 20(3), 26-37. Courtemanche, C. Carden, A. (2011). Competing with Costco and Sam's Club. Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research. Dent, E. B., Higgins, M. E., Wharff, D. M. (2005). Spirituality and leadership: An empirical review of definitions, distinctions, and embedded assumptions. The leadership quarterly, 16(5), 625-653. Gardner, W. L., Cogliser, C. C., Davis, K. M., (2011). authentic leadership: A review of the literature and research agenda. The Leadership Quarterly, 22(6), 1120-1145. Geier, K., (2013). The secret of Costcos success reveled!, [Online], Accessed on: 7 November 2016, Available at: Heymann, J., Barrera, M., c (2016). how businesses can profit from raising compensation at the bottom, [Online], Accessed on: 7 November 2016, Available at: Hitzhesen, J., (2016). Costco case analysis @ recommendations- Capstone, [Online], Accessed on: 7 November 2016, Available at: Hoek, J., (2013). What is employee commitment?, [Online], Accessed on: 7 November 2016, Available at: Kissinger, D., (2015). Costcos operations management, 10 decisions, productivity, [Online], Accessed on: 7 November 2016, Available at: Lutz, A., (2014). Costcos simple strategy for outperforming Wal-Mart and target, [Online], and Accessed on: 7 November 2016, Available at: Neustadt, R. E. (1980). Presidential power: The politics of leadership from FDR to Carter (pp. 94-95). New York: Wiley. Pallarito, K. (2012). News: Competing with Costco: Is it Time to Unbundle Prices? The Hearing Journal, 65(4), 24-26. Stippler, M. (2011). Leadership. [Gutersloh, Germany]: Verlag Bertelsmann Sifting. Ross, S., (2016) Warren Buffets moat: How sustainable is Costcos competitive advantage? (Cost), [Online], Accessed on: 7 November 2016, Available at: Townsend, T. (2011). School leadership in the twenty-first century: different approaches to common problems?. School Leadership Management, 31(2), 93-103. Vitez, O., (2016). The impact of leadership on organizational performance, [Online], Accessed on: 7 November 2016, Available at: Van, D., Hogg, M. A. (2004). Leadership and power: Identity processes in groups and organizations. Sage. Van, M. (2010). Two Approaches to Leadership Studies. Public Administration Review, 70(4), 650-653.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Academic Freedom essays

Academic Freedom essays James Madison once said, A people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power that knowledge gives. A popular government without the means of acquiring information is a prologue to a tragedy. It is because I agree with Madison that I stand in strong affirmation of the resolution, When in conflict, academic freedom in U.S. High Schools ought to be valued above community standards. To better clarify the round I offer the following definitions (definitions). The ultimate value that will be upheld in todays debate will be that of Knowledge, knowledge is generally defined as acquaintance with fact or truth. It is the state of knowing or understanding. I have one observation dealing with my value: my opponent my argue that knowledge is undesirable because the information we require my be untrue and leads us astray. You should note that this argument is illegitimate because it does not attack knowledge; it attacks false hood, which by definition cannot be knowledg e. My value will be supported through my Criterion of the Cost Benefit Analysis, where I will show you that the benefits we as a society would receive through academic freedom greatly outweigh the costs. Therefore the person that can show more benefits than cost through their value should win the round. I will now proceed to uphold my value through three main levels of analysis. The first level will consist of showing how community standards cannot be defined in a society such as ours. Second I will show how restricting academic freedom makes society more vulnerable to irrational prejudices. And finally the third level will express how the marketplace of ideas is necessary in Americas High Schools. My first level of analysis: Community Standards cannot be defined in a society such as ours. The first step in this level will be the realization that only personal standards exist. Supreme Court Justice Stewart once stat...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Financial Planning Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Financial Planning - Research Paper Example Financial Planning James Patterson wishes to retire by the age of 56. Nevertheless, if retirement at the age of 56 looked difficult he would consider cutting back to 4 days one year, then 3, and so on. The age pension would start from the time Mr. Patterson attains the age of 65. So it is imperative that Mr. Patterson makes proper arrangement for the financial needs arising during the big gap from the age of 56 to 65. Thus, his prime objective is to accumulate sufficient Retirement Income to fulfil all his responsibilities during that period in addition to fulfilling his personal interests. The interests of James Patterson after retirement comprise of travelling extensively, and attending summer school courses on aspects of ancient history particularly about Greece and Rome among others. He also wants to remain associated with Community Aid and one of his prime responsibilities is to look after his aged mother, and his nephew and nieces. The target retirement income that Mr. Patterson is looking forwar d to is equivalent to 60% of his pre-retirement income. The disposable income of James Patterson at present is $50567, 60% of which would be equivalent to $30340. Thus, the client would require an annual income of around $30340 following his retirement after about 5 years. He could continue to require an income of $30340 for at least the subsequent 9 years, until he attains the age of 65 and his age pension starts.... On the basis of the information provided by Mr. Patterson and the following discussions, his lifestyle objectives and goals were reviewed. The recommendations provided in this financial have been developed to help Mr. Patterson in accomplishing these objectives: Living Expenditure: Mr. James Patterson would like to afford for his living expenses of around $30,500 per year. Holidays: James Patterson would like to expend $5,000 on a travel holiday every year. Family: James Patterson has a large extended family comprising of his mother and five siblings. He intends to take care of her mother and also assist his nephews and nieces financially. Retirement: James Patterson would like to withdraw from full time work in 5 years time when he attains 56 years of age. He is willing to draw down on his capital with the purpose of accomplishing her retirement objectives. Identification of Issues and Problems The total cumulative value of capital and assets owned by James Patterson is equivalent t o $718,781. Assuming the life expectancy level of Mr. Patterson to be 80 years, he needs to arrange for the financial requirements of 25 years. It should be noted that the client intends to retire at 55. He would get some amount of assistance from the Age pension after he attains the age of 65. However, he needs to build a decent corpus of capital for his retirement plans. Mr. Patterson is single and does not have any direct responsibility of a family, but the downside is that he has to prepare for his old age finances on his own. The present level of savings will most likely not be adequate to build up the assets essential for Mr. Patterson to be able to preserve his preferred standard of living post retirement.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Businesses have no responsibility whatever to protect and conserve the Assignment

Businesses have no responsibility whatever to protect and conserve the natural environment - Assignment Example 281). The participation in the environmental conservation and protection requires the use of business funds to pursue a corporate social responsibility agenda. It is not in the power of business management to invest funds in environmental protection. Business leaders use the logic of delivering profits to business owners (Jackson 1996, p. 159). The owners can choose to use the profits in environmental conservation ventures. In any case, the participation in environmental protection and conservation can serve to reduce economic efficiency and profit margins of the business. In addition, if businesses are to participate in the conservation and protection of the environment, they are likely to pass on the costs to the customers. Therefore, the customers are more likely to pay more for goods and services. Participation in environmental conservation is one of the corporate social responsibility sectors that may serve to impose unequal costs among competitors (Blowfield & Murray 2008, p. 240). Evidently, the modern business front is highly competitive. Therefore, when businesses face the compulsion of investing in environmental conservation, they register higher costs than competitors placing them at a disadvantage (Henderson 2009, p. 13). The role of environmental conservation and protection should be taken up by every individual in the society, and not imposed on businesses alone. Therefore, businesses should not feel compelled to participate in environmental conservation. Worth noting is the fact that businesses should only do what is required by the law , and what is dictated by the commercial priorities while maximizing profits (Sinha 2012, p. 704). Sinha, GA 2012, Corporate Social Responsibility in the 21st Cent, New York University Journal Of International Law & Politics, 44, 2, pp. 702-706, International Security & Counter

Monday, November 18, 2019

Operational Management of Risk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Operational Management of Risk - Essay Example 1. Aircraft fuelling for small jets, small piston aircrafts, older piston planes. 2. Stored Plane Fuelling Service, i.e, removal of aircraft from individual hangar & fueling. 3. Fueling of aircrafts on the flight line (where aircraft lines up for take off & after landing). 4. Preparing for self service fuelling for private aircraft owners & pilots. 5. Repair & Maintenance of 15 private & the transient hangars. 6. Inspection of safety & fire violations. 7. Transportation & Carriage of planes from hangar to flight line & vice-versa. 8. Management of landed flight directions, parking & refueling. 9. Management & Accounting of fuel charges of fuelling & parking. 10. Provision of on duty staff for maintenance of all fuel storage tanks, piping and pumps at the airport's small fuel farm (three storage tanks). Sec. 1.b: Identification of one critical stakeholder/crew for each operational activity in Sec. 1.a. (Corresponding list of stakeholders/crew.) 1. Chemical/Fluid Mechanic Engineer expert in identification of fuel & air craft engines for guidance to labors in fueling different categories of planes. 2. Aircraft Maintenance Engineer & Stores Manager for managing safe removal of plane & chemical engineer for relevant fuelling according to the type of plane. 3. Site Aircraft Maintenance Engineer & Aircraft Parking Manager. 4. IT Infrastructure Development Engineering Manager. 5. Aircraft Maintenance Engineer / Stores Manager. 6. Safety / Fire Engineer or Manager. 7. Transportation Manager. 8. Chemical/Fluid Mechanic Engineer & Transportation Manager. 9. Accounts/Billing Manager. 10. Site Maintenance Engineer. Sec. 1.c: Identification of a consultation/communication technique/strategy to engage the stakeholder in risk... The essay "Operational Management of Risk" talks about the case study on the East Coast Aviation Service Company situated in Wales. The main focus of the study is to work out the specific queries on the risk identification techniques, risk analysis and the risk treatment approaches.Any project is required to be managed through a well structured hierarchy & reporting results to work out problems in processes & project performance tracking to categorizing them in problems & solution sets for in all cases that would be easy for review & changes too in later time for implementation of new plans & strategies. Following is a stake holder hierarchy that I think will work in automating the processes. A project manager lead responsible for management of all the undergoing project’s solutions, & performance tracking to help technical member/engineers to concentrate more on technical side development, instead of increasing their over heads of managing all of the things that will not work for sure. Every person should have only that much burden & responsibilities that he/she could manage, else, may result in increased attrition & depreciation of employer’s image in employee cadre & further consideration for career development. This hierarchy will enable the communication in cross functional hierarchies across the organization & provide an ease to handle the process implementation. The communication approach may differ on the basis of the situations.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Huggies Pull Ups Diapers Marketing Essay

Huggies Pull Ups Diapers Marketing Essay Kimberly Clark is a multinational company, its headquarters is based in America and they have been in business for 140 and has branched out to many countries including New Zealand. It has previously ranked first in the personal category in Dow Jones Sustainability world index five years in a row from 2005 to 2009 and has contributed $323.1 million in cash and products to charitable causes in 2011(Kimberly Kimberly Clark New Zealand does manufacturing for Huggies diapers and it is located Manakau, Auckland, New Zealand. They have a wide range of paper based products which are facial tissues, toilet papers, scientific cleaning wipes and Huggies disposable diapers (Wikipedia 2012) The specific product that will be the focus of this assignment is Huggies Pull Ups is a brand of disposable training pants made under Huggies brand of baby products; It is designed for boys and girls. (Im a big kid now!) This is the products slogan (Wikipedia 2012) Several changes were made since the product first came out, the first one was the addition of magic stars/flowers on the front of the pant that fade when the wearer wets it as a way to discourage wetting. Next was the easy open sides which made it very similar to underwears, it was easy for parents to check if the wearer soiled it and to quickly change the messy product. Statistics New Zealand records show that there are approximately 200 000 two to four year olds in New Zealand, because of the high demand of Huggies pull-ups the company has decided to increase the price of Huggies pull-up diapers The target market for this product is the parents of kids between the ages of 2 and 4 years. It is especially for kids who have started walking. Huggies Pull ups makes it easier for parents to change their childs diapers. Huggies pull ups comes for girls and boys also comes in different sizes. Boys and girls diaper size 2 and between 8-15 kg the price of pull up pack is $13.99 ( Consumer need the product seeks to satisfy-The product seeks to make life easier for parents that are making their child wear a diaper can be hard because at the targeted age children move and play, using Huggies pull-ups is less time consuming. Market of Interest, Trends and size Market of Interest: Pull-Ups is a brand of disposable training pants made under the Huggies brand of baby products. It is a product for boys and girls who have already started to work and its product slogan is Im a big kid now. Several changes were made since it came out, the first one was the addition of magic stars/flowers on the front of the pant that fade when the wearer as a way to discourage wetting. Next was the easy open sides which made it very similar to underwear`s, it was easy for parents to check if the wearer soiled it and to quickly change the messy product. Huggies Pull ups is for parents who prefer to give their child training using toilets. This report will discuss on Huggies Pull Ups diapers and the best way to achieve profitable sales in the country and overseas. Trends and size of the market: According to statistics New Zealand there are approximately 200 000 two to four year olds in New Zealand in the year 2012 these are babies who have started to work and parents prefer them to use toilet and Huggies Pull ups is the best Diaper that can encourage a child to use toilets.The Personal Care segment manufactures and markets disposable diapers, training and youth pants and swim pants, having a net sales of 43.7 % and 61.6% of operating profit( This shows that the market size for Huggies diapers is large External environment impact Technology: Online Websites A buyer can get all its information regarding a product from online websites. It is very important for a company to have a online informational website of its a product and information about the company. Everyone who excesses the website should get all the information they need regarding the product. The current focus is upgrading the website and adding new features. Technology (Mass Media) Magazines and Television Since the target for the product (huggies diapers) is mums the company can use other sources like of mass media to advertise their product such as television. Many people watch television and come across commercials which can catch their attention; therefore having commercials of Huggies diapers will surely catch the attention of mums. Magazines is also a better Mass Media, a lot of mums read womens weekly and having a advertisement of Huggies diapers will get mums to buy the product. Demography A good market for Huggies pull up diapers is parents of children who are the ages of 2 to 4 years of age. Since at that age children start to walk parents prefer their child to start using the toilets and Huggies Pull Ups is the best diaper which encourages children to use the toilet. Huggies Pull Ups is also easy for parents to make their child wear diapers. Huggies Pull Ups targets middle upper class families and upper class families since Huggies brand of diapers are of good quality and prices are high. Political and Legal The most important concerns for business firms are the political and legal forces which are implemented in countries in which they plan to conduct business. Some foreign governments are unsteady, that is, there may be frequent, dramatic and irregular regime changes and/or political unrest. Government regulations may change constantly therefore it can affect Kimberly clark New Zealand who produce Huggies brand of diapers, for example if labour rate increases which means the company will have to spent more on labour therefore the funds allocated for other purposes will be used to cater for the change. Economics Huggies Pull Ups has competition from treasures and pampers diapers since both come in different sizes depending on the weight of the child. The price range of the three products is also close ranged small pack priced $13 to $18 and big pack is $44 to 49. Huggies targets higher classed families therefore profit is made easily. Social and cultural Kimberly Clark New Zealand works together with plunket where they help mothers when mothers are having a new born and plunket also help parents in giving advice relating to their child. The Huggies diapers needs to be safe for example the baby should not have any rachises when wearing the diaper. Competition Analysis The current and main competitors of Huggies Pull Ups diapers are three other popular diaper brands which are sold in New Zealand Today. Using the SWOT analysis the strength, weakness, threats and opportunity of Huggies diapers and its competitors will be examined. Current Situation Huggies Pull Ups diapers are a world famous brand and are also a popular brand in New Zealand. Kimberly Clark New Zealand is the manufactures of Huggies Pull Up diapers in New Zealand. Huggies Pull Ups goal is to do changes to the Huggies Pull Up diapers until they can get the best product out of it so the customer need of this product can be satisfied. Huggies Pull Ups diapers target market is middle upper class families and upper class families. The manufactures of Huggies Pull Ups Kimberly Clark are also in partnership with plunket therefore other customers are also concentrated on. Problem Identification The main problem that huggies Pull ups Faces are competition by top diaper brands which are in the New Zealand market. It becomes very hard to meet customer demand since customers have a wide brand to choose from. Opportunity Since Huggies brand of diapers already exist in the market, it has already created an image for its self which is quality. Huggies Pull Up diapers team should add more features to the product to improve on its quality and have promotions to attract the customers in order to have even a greater percentage of market share. Greater market share means greater profits Treasures Diapers (lower prices) Treasures diapers come in different sizes, depending on the Childs weight. Two to four year old weigh between 10 to 20 kilogram and treasures diapers comes in those sizes. Treasures diaper comes in different packs which are small packs and large packs. Large packs have twenty diapers packed in it and cost $29.90 SWOT for Treasures Strength Weaknesses Cheap world renounced Customer loyalty/relationship Leading brands in most countries Lower quality diaper Lower price diaper means lower Opportunities Threats Expansion of product Competition from other diaper brands Luv diapers Mid Priced (Jambo pack) Luv diapers is made by proctor and gamble and comes in different sizes, kids who can walk and are of two to four year olds can also wear the diapers. The price range for the luv diapers is $34-90. According to Wikipedia (2012), since the product was first introduced in 1976 there have been a lot of changes made to the product; the latest change was made in 2007 where bear hug stretch was introduced SWOT for Luv diapers Strengths Weakness Good quality In business for a number of years Brand recognition International brand Price is mid ranged ,confuses customers on what to buy Opportunity Threats Luv diapers can add on more features and improve the product in order to attract more customers These are competition from other diapers that are of cheaper price and diapers who are at a higher price with quality. Pampers Diaper (jumbo) High priced Pampers is a brand of baby products marketed by Procter Gamble. Pampers diapers comes up to size seven. The price range for pampers diapers is $49.90. Pampers diapers is high priced due to it high quality. SWOT for Pampers diapers Strengths Weaknesses Very good quality International brand Large number of customers In business for a number of years Expensive to buyers opportunities Threats Can add more features to pampers diapers Competition from other diaper brands Huggies pull up diapers (jambo) Pull-Ups is a brand of disposable training pants made under the Huggies brand of baby products (wikipedia 2012). Kimberly clark makes all huggies brands diapers. Huggies Pull Ups diapers prices are expensive and it targets higher class families, its price is $49.90 SWOT for Huggies Pull Ups diapers Strengths Weaknesses High quality product In business for a number of years Large number of customers International brand Very expensive Opportunities Threats Add new features to the product Competition from other diaper brands Target Market segment Profile The target market for this product is the parents of kids between the ages of 2 and 4 years. Huggies diapers are for upper middle class families and upper class families who prefer quality rather than price. Kimberly clark New Zealand is in partnership with plunket so they can give the best care to mothers by helping the nurses. Parents want a diaper that can fit their needs and brand loyalty is big amongst members of this group. This group is likely to choose this diaper product. Huggies Pull Ups is especially for kids who have started walking. Huggies Pull ups makes it easier for parents to change their childs diapers. Huggies pull ups comes for girls and boys also comes in different sizes. This target group needs quality brand of diapers; loyal customers probably prefer to stick to this brand of diapers over all others Situational Analysis Huggies brands of diapers are sold in different supermarkets and stores all over New Zealand it has created a good image on the minds of its customers, its quality is also the reason why many customers prefer to buy Huggies diapers. Huggies pull Ups diapers has got many competitors in the market, some competitors are pampers diapers, treasures, luv diapers. Huggies Pull Ups diapers have got competition from a wide range. Huggies Pull Ups will understand how to best penetrate its new market after carrying out full examination of its competitors. Competitor analysis Huggies diapers have been in business since 1989 it has made a good name for its self. Since 1989 to 2012 there have been a lot of changes made to the product, depending on the changing needs of the customer Ever since Huggies Pull-Ups became popular, several other diaper brands tried to copy their product (Wikipedia 2012). The product seeks to make life easier for parents that are making their child wear a diaper can be hard because at the targeted age children move and play, using Huggies pull-ups is less time consuming Internal Environment Impacts Personal Care (43.7% of net sales, 61.6% of operating profit): The Personal Care segment manufactures and markets disposable diapers, training and youth pants, and swimpants; baby wipes and incontinence care products. Products in this segment are mainly for home use and are sold under a range of brand names, including Huggies, Pull-Ups, Little Swimmers, GoodNites, Kotex and other brand names Internal organisation and structure The current board of directors of Kimberly-Clark Corporation are: John Alm, Dennis Beresford, John Bergstrom, Abelanrdo Bru, Pastora Cafferty, Robert Decherd, Thomas J. Falk, Claudio X. Gonzalez, Mae Jemison, Linda Rice, Marc Shapiro, and Craig Sullivan. Also in 2000, the company bought virtually all of Taiwans S-K Corporation; the move made Kimberly-Clark one of the major manufacturers of consumer packaged goods in Taiwan. In 2001, Kimberly-Clark bought Italian diaper maker, Linostar, and announced it was closing four Latin American manufacturing plants. Kimberly-Clark Sub-Saharan Africas vision is determined nothing less than turning the $250 million business into a $1 billion business by 2015. Manufacturing process A prototype is an early sample or a model built to test a proposal or method or to act as thing to be fake or learned from. If a picture speaks 1000 words, then a prototype must speak 10,000. Which means a prototype of your new product is a must-have when developing and explaining your big idea. People use prototypes to prove, test and refine their ideas to all kinds of things. ( Human Resource It is the policy of Kimberly-Clark to hire, promote and support the professional Development of diverse global work force, employee safety and Industrial hygiene is a fundamental value of the organization. Effective leadership lays the foundation for a solid safety and hygiene management system by establishing facility-specific policies, providing resources, assigning responsibilities, establishing expectations, and evaluating performances Management The manager that managers the leadership team at Kimberly clarks New Zealand are Senior Brand Manager Kleenex at Kimberly-Clark New Zealand, Grant Hartley Head of Marketing at Kimberly Clark NZ,Geeta Uka Senior Brand Manager Huggies. Research and development In 1989, Huggies introduced Pull-Ups brand disposable training Pants. In 1992, single-sex Pull-Ups training pants were introduced with customized absorbency placed where boys and girls wet the most and also gender-specific prints, trucks for boys and pastel colored animals for girls. In 1997, Disney character designs were introduced, featuring Mickey Mouse for boys and Minnie Mouse for girls. Also in 2003, the slogan that was used in the original late-1980s and early-1990s commercials, Im a big kid now, was recycled for the products recent commercials. In 2004, single-sex underwear was introduced with customized absorbency placed were boys and girls wet the most and also gender-specific prints. In 2005, Pull-ups introduced training pants called Pull-Ups Wetness Liner Training Pants. These Pull-Ups are similar to the Learning Designs training pants, but contain a liner that makes the wearer feel when he or she is wet by having the liner have an unpleasant feel to it when it is wet. In 2010, Pull-ups offered this phone call service accossiated with Disney. Mainly, as a reward for finishing potty training, the parent of the wearer could request a phone call in which the caller pretends to be a Disney Princess or Toy Story character. This was a limited time offer and is now a currently defunct service. In 2011,Goodnites halts its connection with Huggies but is still connected with Kimberly Clark. In 2012, the sides on the boys Pull-Ups were recolored from blue to red.(Wikipedia 2012) Location Level 1, 86 plunket Avenue, Manakau City, South Auckland New Zealand. External Relationship The Kimberly-Clark Foundation, together with funding from the company and our employees, responds to causes and programs with financial contributions, product donations and volunteer time. In 2011, Kimberly-Clark and our employees contributed $32.1 million in cash and product donations for charitable causes worldwide. As part of that amount, the Kimberly-Clark Foundation matched $1.25 million in employee giving, and awarded nearly $860,000 in grants to charities where our employees or their spouses volunteered more than 84,000 hours of their time. Kimberly-Clark has long-term partnerships with several charitable organizations that share our commitment to improving the health, hygiene and well-being of the worlds families Competitive Positioning High quality Huggies Pull Ups pampers low Price High Price Luv Diapers Treasures Low quality Ethical Standings Huggies New Zealand has put all their baby care tips, techniques and information into 1 place, to help make newborn baby care as easy as possible for new mums and dads. Becoming a parent is a big change! Having an online resource to support you through this life-changing event can help make this time even more special. Trust us, it will be over quicker than you think. Enjoy every minute.( Kimberly-Clark New Zealand the makers of huggies diapers, has appointed specialist creative agency Green Team as its lead sustainability and social responsibility agency to assist with the roll-out of a new sustainability and social responsibility platform for its Australia and New Zealand operations. Green Team will develop the creative for the program that will be implemented in phases initially focusing on employee engagement before launching externally. ( Others (Culture of Excellence) When it comes to culture and excellence huggies is in partnership with plunket in supporting the development of healthy families. Were committed to health promotion, providing services according to principles. ( BABYCARE Category Winners The Best Products for Baby As Chosen by New Zealand Parents ( BABYCARE CATEGORY GOLD AWARD SILVER AWARD Best baby skincare lotion Johnsons Baby Bedtime Lotion Weleda calendula baby lotion Best baby wipes Huggies unscented wipes Silk baby wipes Best bathtime product Johnsons Baby Top to Toe Ecostore Baby Sleeptime Bath Best cloth nappy brand Real Nappies Itti Bitti Best disposable nappy brand Huggies Treasures Best nappy balm Bepanthen Ointment Sudocrem Best teething product Bonjela Weleda teething powder Situational Analysis Summary Huggies diapers pull Ups environment scan has determined that huggies Pull Ups has a number of advantages over the other diaper brands in the market. As a quality brand, it exceeds diapers in the lower and mid-price ranges. Huggies Pull Ups is a high priced diaper and its major competition in that price range is pampers diapers both are quality brands and are demanded by parents. A SWOT analysis was done of Huggies pull ups and its major competitors in New Zealand. A positioning map was also created that shows where Huggies Pull Up diapers stands together with its competitors. The positioning map shows that Huggies is a high quality and high priced diaper therefore its target markets are upper middle class families and upper class families.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

England :: essays research papers

England England is a country, and I'm glad I came from it. There are lots of fun things you can do, and a lot of famous sites you can visit. Even though it is far away it really isn't that different from the US. In England the style of clothing is not much different from here. In the summer they wear shorts and short sleeve shirts. In the winter they wear pants and long sleeve shirts. Their climate isn't much different than ours so that's why the style of close is so closely related. A typical Sunday dinner in England is roast beef "which there is called a joint," vegetables, and pie with hot custard sauce. A common snack is fish or french fries. Most people drink tea at most of their meals, but a strong deal of people drink coffee. There are lots of interesting facts about England. The capital of England is London, and the official language spoken in England is English. England has a national song which is "God Save the Queen." In 1986 an estimate of the population in England was 46,821,000. The highest point in England is Scafell Pike, 3,210 ft, and the lowest point in England is The Fens, sea level. In England there is a lot of sites to see, and one of the greatest would be the Tower of London. It is a great fortress, with not to pleasurable memories. In there Queen Elizabeth 1 and Sir Walter Raleigh were imprisoned. Anne Buleyn was killed there. You could take a tour deep below the castle to see the beautiful crown jewels. England is also famous for the Buckingham Palace. There is where the Queen of England lives. At the Buckingham Palace you can see a wonderful ceremony called the Changing of the Guard. In this ceremony men with red tunics